Week One…Python!

Alright so… December 30, 2014. My path begins with the Learn Python the Hard Way book. I go through it pretty quickly, because 3 years ago I had briefly learned Ruby, so it all seemed somewhat familiar already. It was pretty easy getting through the first 30-40 lessons, where I also got to make another game! I made the La Sera game in a day and put it online, so exciting! Nothing quite as fun as putting a new program online. I was still miles away from actually deploying my first real web app, so I just put the source code online for other programmers to download and run on their own terminals. At the time, that seemed like the only thing I would ever be capable of doing.

Also, my understanding of classes / objects / etc was still very limited (and still is!) I was using classes left and right, but a lot of the time I felt like I was just going along with the book and couldn’t think that I would ever be able to recreate any of this code on my own. I’ve been suffering from “Imposter Syndrome” from day one, and I know that it’s going to be an uphill battle for a long, long time. I’ve also heard that women are more susceptible to imposter syndrome, so I’ll let you know how that goes. “Still a fraud? Yup!”

I finished the python book after 7 days. The end of the book has us deploying an app online, but I was still very confused about frameworks, and I had NO IDEA how something like Django worked. Onto week 2…

Published by

Katy Goodman

Musician / Coder

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