School continues…

I’ve been so busy with school and music that I’ve forgotten to blog! Anyways, for the past 2 weeks, I have been doing nothing except homework, going to classes, and writing songs. My band La Sera is going to record a new album in April, so every spare moment I have in my life right now is going towards writing songs. However, that’s also the best part about being a full time student right now! I’m still learning a ton all day every day, and it’s nice to be so productive right now.

I’m only 2 weeks into classes, so everything is still pretty easy. We are going over HTML in my Internet Programming class which is super easy, but always worth refreshing. C and Java are more difficult, but also pretty exciting. My teacher for both those classes (he teaches both!) is really into machine/assembly languages, so I feel like I’m learning a lot about how computers truly work on the lowest level. My rails online course will start next week, super excited to get back to making web apps.

That’s it for now! I’ll keep updating through the semester. Someone asked me the other day why I chose community college over bootcamp, so I’ll quickly summarize. It’s WAY less expensive, about $3k verses $15k, however it also does help that I already have a Bachelors so all of the general education requirements are already fulfilled. I’m taking 4-5 classes a semester, all computer science, and I’ll be done with my degree by November. That means about a year of school for $3k. I feel like a 3 month bootcamp is just too quick. Also, spending a year on the degree will really let me know if this is something I want to do. It’s easy and fun to do a quick bootcamp and land a sweet, well paying job, but if I don’t actually want to DO that job, it’s a total waste. This way, I can work towards the degree, and after a year, I will have a really good handle on what I want to do long term. It isn’t a race for me (although I understand that for other people, time is a much more important issue). Luckily, making music has provided me with the perfect opportunity to be able to take time off and go to school. (Although I am eating a LOT more mac and cheese than I used to 😀 )

Published by

Katy Goodman

Musician / Coder

2 thoughts on “School continues…”

  1. Hi Katie,
    Just read an article about you learning to code and just wanted to drop a line saying how good it is to read such a thing. I also see code as a very creative medium, a tool for self expression.

    You will inspire tons of people. Please keep posting your progress so others will see it’s indeed not all that hard, but indeed very fun and quite creative.

    All the best,

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